Tips on training staff to maximise your restaurant’s profits
This time we’d like to pass on tips that caterers have made to us about aspects of staff training to boost restaurant profits. Some of the points that kept being repeated by caterers are as follows…
There will be a number of things that your staff need to check with the customer to make sure the dish is served just as they want. Consider having the order pads pre printed with the boxes for salad, chips, jacket etc so the staff just have to tick which ever – so no mistakes.
Drum into your staff about the cutlery and crockery required for the different dishes – the presentation can make all the difference
Make sure you brief the waiting staff about the special board dishes – if they don’t know when asked it doesn’t look good and can waste your time during a busy evening.
Staff being positive and knowledgeable about the menu will sell more! Spend time with your staff telling them some of the key things about the dishes and best options for accompaniments.
Basic stuff – but staff who are well turned out and smile make a big difference. A clean and pressed branded polo shirt or such like can really lift their appearance. If the staff feel good in what they are wearing that positive thought will be picked up by the customers
Leading on from these previous points – knowing where the vegetables etc come from (espically if locally bought) all adds to the credentials of your restaurant. Equally if dishes are additive free etc tell the customer. If you are going that extra mile for your customers make sure they know about it.
Back of house… …have one chief (and that chief doesn’t need to be a chef) with subordinate Indians!
The organization of the kitchen with designated workstations and prep areas is crucial.
Well trained staff who are positive and motivated will make a vast difference to both the volume and quality of food being produced.
Get your rota well organized with clear cut tasks for staff.
With new dishes have a dress rehearsal – make them up and let staff see.
That way they know what is right (and wrong) and can explain to customers the features of the dish.
Someone (the kitchen boss) has to be accountable for the food that comes out – somebody has to say “yes” before it leaves the kitchen.